Festival VerSus + Formentera Island (Spain)



The second festival of the VerSus+ project, organized by UPV with the collaboration and attendance of all the partners, was held in the Formentera Island on April 23rd – 29th 2023.

The festival brought together more than 80 participants including architecture students and professors from UniFi, UniCa and UPV universities, researchers from CRAterre and UPT, artists, craftspeople and local authorities and attendees.

The aim of the festival was the knowledge, understanding and enhancement of the tangible and intangible heritage of the island of Formentera. Besides this main objective, the intention was also to create the opportunity to share experiences from other places regarding vernacular architecture, arts and traditional know-how. To this end, the following activities were organised:

    1. Formentera: l’inici de la tradició | Antoni Ferrer Abarzuza, Tècnic de Patrimoni Cultural, Àrea de Patrimoni, Consell de Formentera
    2. La gestió del patrimoni cultural de Formentera | Jaume Escandell, Tècnic de Patrimoni Cultural, Àrea de Patrimoni, Consell de Formentera
    3. Documentation and study of vernacular architecture | Letizia Dipasquale, Alessandro Merlo, Saverio Mecca, Lucia Montoni, Università degli Studi di Firenze
    4. Actividades de participación, formación y sensibilización sobre el patrimonio vernáculo | Nuria Sánchez Muñoz, CRAterre, Centre International de la Construction en Terre
    5. El trabajo de gestión del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Administración Pública para la salvaguarda de los conocimientos vernáculos | Cristina Lafuente, Subdirección General de Gestión y Coordinación de los Bienes Culturales, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte
    6. Strategies for the recognition and the enhancement of the cultural heritage in Sant’Antioco | Maddalena Achenza, Pier Francesco Cherchi, Amanda Rivera Vidal, Università degli Studi di Cagliari
    7. Documentación y difusión de la arquitectura vernácula, el proyecto 3D Past | Ana Lima, Universidade Portucalense
    8. Experimentación con hormigón de cal y posidonia para una arquitectura contemporánea y sostenible | Sara Ferran, Taller 11
    9. An island and its fibre: juniper wood in the traditional architecture of Formentera | Valentina Cristini, Mara Hähle, Universitat Poliècnica de València.
    10. Presentation of European Heritage Volunteers Programme 2023 | Bert Ludwig, European Heritage Volunteers

In addition to these general activities, architecture students from the universities of UniFi, UniCa and UPV worked on proposals for the conservation and musealisation of two heritage sites in the town of San Francesc: Can Ramon and Sa Senieta. Furthermore, as a complementary activity, the documentation of the Molí Vell de la Mola was also undertaken.











